Malicious file indicators
📄️ Malware detection feed (TCF-0101)
This service provides a continuous list of new samples with at least one antivirus scanner detection present in the Spectra Intelligence system.
📄️ Malware detection feed (platform-filtered) (TCF-0102-0106)
This service provides information about new malware samples with detections in the Spectra Intelligence system. The samples are filtered by platform.
📄️ New files (first scan) (TCF-0107)
This service provides a continuous list of hashes for samples collected from various sources and scanned with the multi-AV scanning system for the first time in the Spectra Intelligence system.
📄️ New files (first and rescan) (TCF-0108)
This service provides a continuous list of samples in the Spectra Intelligence system which have been scanned for the first time or rescanned with the multi-AV scanner system.
📄️ Files with detection changes (TCF-0109)
This service provides a continuous list of records about samples in the Spectra Intelligence system that have been scanned for the first time, or that show detection changes in their multi-AV reports.
📄️ Malware presence change events feed (TCF-0111)
The Malware Presence Change Events Feed provides a continuous list of new malicious samples, false positives (FPs) and malicious samples for which the ReversingLabs threat name changed.