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Supported unpacking format list

Format nameFormat categoryAssociated file extensions
32litePE32 packerexe
7z SFX BuilderSelf Extracting formatexe
7z SFX CreatorSelf Extracting formatexe
7z SFX MakerSelf Extracting formatexe
7ZIPArchive format7z
7ZIPSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
AArchive formata
AbaddonPOSPoint of sale malwareexe
ACEArchive formatace
ActiveMimeMSOArchive formatmso
ActiveXEmbedded object (SWF)None
Actual InstallerInstaller format (Windows)exe
Advanced InstallerInstaller format (Windows)exe
AdvancedBat2ExeSelf Extracting formatexe
AHPackPE32 packerexe
AlexProtectorPE32 packerexe
AlphaZIPSelf Extracting Formatexe
ALZArchive formatalz
ALZSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
AmberPE32 packerexe
Android (.apk)Mobile applicationapk
AnyZipSelf Extracting formatexe
AmpedRemote administration toolexe
AppImageSelf Extracting formatAppImage
APPXMobile applicationappx
ApocalypseRATRemote administration toolexe
ARArchive formata, lib, ar
ARCArchive formatarc, ark
ARC_IAArchive formatarc, ark
ArcThemAll!Self Extracting formatexe
ArcticRATRemote administration toolexe
ARJArchive formatarj
ARJSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
ARSCArchive formatarsc
ArchilessCrypterPE32 packerexe
ASARArchive formatasar
ASDPackPE32 packerexe
asmProtecterPE32 packerexe
ASPackPE32 packerexe
AT4RE ProtectPE32 packerexe
AutoItPE32 packerexe
AutoHotkeyPE32 packerexe
AverCryptorPE32 packerexe
AverZIPSelf Extracting formatexe
AZProtectPE32 packerexe
BabylonRemote administration toolexe
BandanaCrypterPE32 packerexe
BamBamPE32 packerexe
BandiZIPSelf Extracting formatexe
BeaverPE32 packerexe
BernhardPOSPE32 Point of Sale malwareexe
BeroExePackerPE32 packerexe
BifrostRemote administration toolexe
BioDoxRemote administration toolexe
BJFNTPE32 packerexe
BLZArchive formatblz
BlackNixRemote administration toolexe
BMPImage formatbmp
BOX (SFX)Self Extracting formatexe
BozokRemote administration toolexe
bplistDocument formatbplist
BraZIPSelf Extracting formatexe
Break Into PatternPE32 packerexe
BUPQuarantine formatbup
BZIP2Archive formatbz2, bzip2
CABArchive formatcab
CABSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
CargoArchive formatcrate
CEXEPE32 packerexe
CerberPE32 ransomwareexe
CerberusRemote administration toolexe
CertutilDocument formatcrt, cert, pem
CFBFFile system / Document formatcfb
CGBIArchive formatpng
CHMDocument formatchm
ChainerPE32 packerexe
CigiCigiPE32 packerexe
Coffee Free ZipSelf Extracting formatexe
CondaArchive formatconda, tar.bz2
CPIOArchive formatcpio
cpBoundPE32 packerexe
cpBirtualPE32 packerexe
cpCandyPE32 packerexe
cpDalekPE32 packerexe
cpDemonioPE32 packerexe
cpDibsPE32 packerexe
cpElliePE32 packerexe
cpFlushPE32 packerexe
cpGlyphPE32 packerexe
cpInfluenzaPE32 packerexe
cpMiniDukePE32 packerexe
cpMoveyPE32 packerexe
cpRebarPE32 packerexe
CProtectorPE32 packerexe
cpSleshPE32 packerexe
cpPoisonPE32 packerexe
cpTibbarPE32 packerexe
cpTickPE32 packerexe
cpTinyGiantPE32 packerexe
cpPittyTigerPE32 packerexe
cpVicSpyPE32 packerexe
cramfsFile system / Firmware formatcramfs
CruzCrypterPE32 packerexe
CrypToCrackPEProtectorPE32 packerexe
CryptonitePE32 packerexe
CrypTOXPE32 packerexe
CryptXPE32 packerexe
CRTFArchive formatrtf
CxMacroMacro formatNone
CyberGateRemote administration toolexe
DaemonCryptPE32 packerexe
DalKryptPE32 packerexe
DarkCometRemote administration toolexe
DarkRATRemote administration toolexe
DEBArchive formatdeb, udeb
DeeperRATRemote administration toolexe
DEFPE32 packerexe
depackPE32 packerexe
dxPackPE32 packerexe
DEXExecutable formatdex
DexCryptPE32 packerexe
DICOMArchive formatdicom, dcm, dic
dlInfluenzaPE32 downloaderexe
dlThunderPE32 downloaderexe
dlUpatreAPE32 downloaderexe
dlUpatreBPE32 downloaderexe
dlUpatreCPE32 downloaderexe
dlUpatreDPE32 downloaderexe
DMGDisk image formatdmg
DNARemoteAdminRemote administration toolexe
DockerContainertar, tar.gz, tgz
doSWFMultimedia formatswf
DreamShieldInstaller format (Windows)exe
DRPMArchive formatdrpm
EFIDisk partition formatnone
EGGArchive formategg
ELFExecutable formatelf, o, so
EPPackPE32 packerexe
Executable Zip CreatorSelf Extracting formatexe
ExeCrypterPE32 packerexe
exeFogPE32 packerexe
ExeSaxPE32 packerexe
ExeStealthPE32 packerexe
ExeZipSelf Extracting formatexe
EXIFImage metadata formatNone
ExplzSelf Extracting formatexe
ExtFile system formatNone
ExtraBasicMacroMacro formatNone
EscargotPE32 packerexe
ExpressZipSelf Extracting formatexe
EZipPE32 packerexe
EZSfxSelf Extracting formatexe
GPTDisk partition formatnone
FATFile system formatNone
FileArchiverSelf Extracting formatexe
FilePackagerSelf Extracting formatexe
FilZipSelf Extracting formatexe
FluxRATRemote administration toolexe
FrameworkPOSPoint of sale malwareexe
FreeExtractorSelf Extracting formatexe
FSGPE32 packerexe
FSZipExtractorSelf Extracting formatexe
GEMArchive formatgem
GhostRATRemote administration toolexe
GIFImage formatgif
GIXProtectorPE32 packerexe
Goat PE MutilatorPE32 packerexe
Google Chrome (.crx)Web applicationcrx
GraphicBootingRATRemote administration toolexe
GZIPArchive formatgz
HFSPFile system formatNone
HFSXFile system formatNone
HidePEPE32 packerexe
hmimysPackerPE32 packerexe
HQXEmail formathqx
HTADocument formathta
HTAEditSelf Extracting formatexe
HTMLDocument formathtml, htm, xhtml, xht
HTTPNetwork formatNone
ICEOWSSelf Extracting formatexe
ID Executable PasswordPE32 packerexe
ImSecureRATRemote administration toolexe
IndetectablesRATRemote administration toolexe
InnoSetupInstaller format (Windows)exe
Install AnywhereInstaller format (Windows)exe
InstallBuilderInstaller format (Windows)exe
InstallShieldInstaller format (Windows)exe
InternetShortcutDocument formaturl
iOS (.ipa)Mobile applicationipa
iOS Firmware (.iosfw)File system / Firmware formatiosfw
IQYDocument formatiqy
ISCabArchive formatcab, hdr
ISODisk image formatiso
IZArcSelf Extracting formatexe
JARArchive formatjar, j
jffs2File system / Document formatjffs2
jdpackPE32 Packerexe
KanikoArchive formattar
KasperskyKLQQuarantine formatklq
KatrinaPOSPoint of sale malwareexe
JPEGImage formatjpeg, jpg, jpe, jif
kbysPackerPE32 packerexe
KGB ArchiverSelf Extracting formatexe
KiCryptorPE32 packerexe
KSASeedPE32 packerexe
LameCryptPE32 packerexe
LCCryptoPE32 packerexe
LHAArchive formatlha, lzh
LIBArchive formatlib
LibreOfficeDocument formatodt
LNKDocument formatlnk
LostDoorRemote administration toolexe
LulzCryptPE32 packerexe
LusyPOSPoint of sale malwareexe
LVMDisk partition formatnone
LZ4Archive formatlz4
LZHArchive formatlzh
LZIPArchive formatlz
LZMAArchive formatlzma
LZOPArchive formatlzo
LXDContainertar, tar.gz, tar.xz, tgz
Mach-OExecutable formato, dylib, bundle
MakeZexeSelf Extracting formatexe
MakeZIPSelf Extracting formatexe
MARArchive formatmar
MarCryptPE32 packerexe
MaskPEPE32 packerexe
MBRDisk partition formatnone
Metro application (.appx)Archive formatappx
MEWPE32 packerexe
MEW5PE32 packerexe
Microsoft NT BackupArchive formatNone
Microsoft QuarantineArchive formatNone
Microsoft OfficeDocument formatdoc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, xla, xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx, xlw, pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, one, msg
Microsoft OPCArchive formatopkg
Microsoft Windows IconImage formatico
Microsoft Windows CursorImage formatcur
MIMEEmail formatmime, eml
MinkeCryptPE32 packerexe
mkfPackerPE32 packerexe
MosesRATRemote administration toolexe
Mozilla FireFox (.xpi)Web applicationxpi
mPackPE32 packerexe
mPressPE32/PE32+/.net packerexe
MrDarkPE32 packerexe
MrUndetectablePE32 packerexe
MSIInstaller format (Windows)msi, msp
MSIXInstaller format (Windows)msix
MuckiProtectorPE32 packerexe
MuZipSelf Extracting formatexe
MZCryptPE32 packerexe
NakedpackPE32 packerexe
NeolitePE32 packerexe
NewZipSESelf Extracting formatexe
nPackPE32 packerexe
NSISInstaller format (Windows)exe
nSPackPE32/PE32+/.net packerexe
NTFSFile system formatNone
NMEPE32 packerexe
NPMArchive formattgz
NuGetArchive formatnupkg
NumPyNPYDocument formatnpy
NumPyNPZArchive formatnpz
NWCCPE32 packerexe
OLEArchive formatole
OpenOfficeDocument formatsxw, stw, sxc, sxd, std, sxi, sti, sxm, sxg
Opera (.oex)Web applicationoex
OVADisk image formatovf, ova
PackManPE32 packerexe
PackMasterPE32 packerexe
PAKArchive formatpak
PandoraRATRemote administration toolexe
PCAP (http, smtp)Archive formatpcap
PDFDocument formatpdf
PEExecutable formatexe, dll, cpl, efi, ocx, scr, sys
PE .NetExecutable formatexe, dll
PE .Net ResourcesArchive formatresources
PeaZipSelf Extracting formatexe
PEBundlePE32 packerexe
PECompactPE32 packerexe
peCloakPE32 packerexe
PEDiminisherPE32 packerexe
PEManglePE32 packerexe
PENinjaPE32 packerexe
PEPackPE32 packerexe
PEPasswordProtectorPE32 packerexe
Perplex PE ProtectorPE32 packerexe
PEShieldPE32 packerexe
PEXPE32 packerexe
PEZipPE32 packerexe
PoisonIvyRemote administration toolexe
PickleDocument formatpkl
PicoZIPSelf Extracting formatexe
PingvinCryptPE32 packerexe
pklavPE32 packerexe
PNGImage formatpng
PokeCryptPE32 packerexe
PowerArchiverSelf Extracting formatexe
PrivatePersonalPackerPE32 packerexe
PunisherRemote administration toolexe
PuppetMasterRATRemote administration toolexe
Py2ExeInstallerInstaller formatexe
PyInstallerInstaller formatexe
PYZArchive formatpyz
QCOWDisk image formatqcow, qcow2
QuickPackPE32 packerexe
QuickZipSelf Extracting formatexe
RARArchive formatrar
RARSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
RCryptorPE32 packerexe
RemcosRemote administration toolexe
RLPackPE32 packerexe
RPMArchive formatrpm, spec
RPXPE32 packer (.net)exe
RTFDocument formatrtf
Russian CryptorPE32 packerexe
SawCrypterPE32 packerexe
sePACKPE32 packerexe
SettingContentDocument formatxml
SFX CompilerSelf Extracting formatexe
SFX EditSelf Extracting formatexe
SFX Exe CreatorSelf Extracting formatexe
SFX FactorySelf Extracting formatexe
SFX MakerSelf Extracting formatexe
ShrinkWrapPE32 packerexe
SimplePackPE32 packerexe
SimplyZIPSESelf Extracting formatexe
SixxPackPE32 packer (.net)exe
SLVC0deProtectorPE32 packerexe
Smart SFXSelf Extracting formatexe
Smart SFX ProSelf Extracting formatexe
SmokesCryptPE32 packerexe
SMTPNetwork formatNone
SPECPE32 packerexe
SpiderBinderPE32 packerexe
SPLayerPE32 packerexe
SpyNetRemote administration toolexe
sqlite3Database formatdb, sqlite
squashfsFile system / Document formatsfs
SqueezSelf Extracting formatexe
SQXArchive formatsqx
Stone PE PackerPE32 packerexe
SuperCryptPE32 packerexe
SWFMultimedia formatswf
SylaRATRemote administration toolexe
SYLKDocument formatslk
SymantecQBDQuarantine formatqbd
SymantecVBNQuarantine formatvbn
SZDDArchive formatregex like .??_ (e.g. .ex_, .dl_)
TARArchive formattar
The Best CryptorPE32 packerexe
TIFFArchive formattif
TinyLoaderRemote administration toolexe
TinyPOSPE32 Point of Sale malwareexe
TUGZipSelf Extracting formatexe
TurboSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
UDFDisk image formatudf
UFS2File system formatNone
UltimateZipSelf Extracting formatexe
UndergroundCrypterPE32 packerexe
UPXPE32 packerexe
UPXLockPE32 packerexe
UPXMutanterPE32 packerexe
UUEEmail formatuue, uu
URLXDocument formaturlx
VanguardRATRemote administration toolexe
VBAOffice macrovba
VBEScript formatvbe, jse
VBS2ExeSelf Extracting formatexe
VBSEditSelf Extracting formatexe
VcryptPE32 packerexe
VDIDisk image formatvdi
VHDDisk image formatvhd
VHDXDisk image formatvhdx
VPackerPE32 packerexe
VirogenCryptPE32 packerexe
VMDKDisk image formatvmdk
VMWRArchive formatnone
VSIXArchive formatvsix
vSkimmerPOSPoint of sale malwareexe
WARCArchive formatwarc
WhitellCryptPE32 packerexe
WHLArchive formatwhl
WindOfCryptPE32 packerexe
WIMDisk image formatwim, swm
Windows Phone (.xap)Mobile applicationxap
WinKriptPE32 packerexe
WinUPackPE32 packerexe
WinViceSelf Extracting formatexe
WiseInstaller format (Windows)exe
WiX ToolsetInstaller format (Windows)exe
XARArchive formatxar
xCompPE32 packerexe
XFSFile system formatNone
XenaRemote administration toolexe
xNeatSelf Extracting formatexe
xPackPE32 packerexe
XtremeRATRemoteAdministration toolexe
xxpackPE32 packerexe
XZArchive formatxz
y0da CryptPE32 packerexe
y0da ProtectPE32 packerexe
yaffsFile system / Document formatyaffs, yaffs2
YENCEmail formatync
ZArchive formatz
ZIPArchive formatzip
Zip2SFXSelf Extracting formatexe
ZipCentralSelf Extracting formatexe
ZipFusionSelf Extracting formatexe
ZipGeniusSelf Extracting formatexe
ZipItFastSelf Extracting formatexe
ZippoSelf Extracting formatexe
ZIPSFXSelf Extracting formatexe
ZipThisSelf Extracting formatexe
ZipXSelf Extracting formatexe
ZOOArchive formatzoo
ZSTDArchive formatzstd

Additional supported formats (aliases)

DarkAvengard CrypterPokeCrypt
MoruKcreWCrypter PrivatePokeCrypt
Open Source CrypterPokeCrypt
TRG CrypterPEZip
UPX $hitUPXMutanter
VBOWatch ProtectorYodaCrypt
Jay Jay UPX ProtectorUPX
Mortal Team CrypterWhitellCrypt