32lite | PE32 packer | exe |
7z SFX Builder | Self Extracting format | exe |
7z SFX Creator | Self Extracting format | exe |
7z SFX Maker | Self Extracting format | exe |
7ZIP | Archive format | 7z |
7ZIPSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
A | Archive format | a |
AbaddonPOS | Point of sale malware | exe |
ACE | Archive format | ace |
ActiveMimeMSO | Archive format | mso |
ActiveX | Embedded object (SWF) | None |
Actual Installer | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
Advanced Installer | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
AdvancedBat2Exe | Self Extracting format | exe |
AHPack | PE32 packer | exe |
AlexProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
AlphaZIP | Self Extracting Format | exe |
ALZ | Archive format | alz |
ALZSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
Amber | PE32 packer | exe |
Android (.apk) | Mobile application | apk |
AnyZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
Amped | Remote administration tool | exe |
AppImage | Self Extracting format | AppImage |
APPX | Mobile application | appx |
ApocalypseRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
AR | Archive format | a, lib, ar |
ARC | Archive format | arc, ark |
ARC_IA | Archive format | arc, ark |
ArcThemAll! | Self Extracting format | exe |
ArcticRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
ARJ | Archive format | arj |
ARJSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
ARSC | Archive format | arsc |
ArchilessCrypter | PE32 packer | exe |
ASAR | Archive format | asar |
ASDPack | PE32 packer | exe |
asmProtecter | PE32 packer | exe |
ASPack | PE32 packer | exe |
AT4RE Protect | PE32 packer | exe |
AutoIt | PE32 packer | exe |
AutoHotkey | PE32 packer | exe |
AverCryptor | PE32 packer | exe |
AverZIP | Self Extracting format | exe |
AZProtect | PE32 packer | exe |
Babylon | Remote administration tool | exe |
BandanaCrypter | PE32 packer | exe |
BamBam | PE32 packer | exe |
BandiZIP | Self Extracting format | exe |
Beaver | PE32 packer | exe |
BernhardPOS | PE32 Point of Sale malware | exe |
BeroExePacker | PE32 packer | exe |
Bifrost | Remote administration tool | exe |
BioDox | Remote administration tool | exe |
BJFNT | PE32 packer | exe |
BLZ | Archive format | blz |
BlackNix | Remote administration tool | exe |
BMP | Image format | bmp |
BOX (SFX) | Self Extracting format | exe |
Bozok | Remote administration tool | exe |
bplist | Document format | bplist |
BraZIP | Self Extracting format | exe |
Break Into Pattern | PE32 packer | exe |
BUP | Quarantine format | bup |
BZIP2 | Archive format | bz2, bzip2 |
CAB | Archive format | cab |
CABSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
Cargo | Archive format | crate |
CEXE | PE32 packer | exe |
Cerber | PE32 ransomware | exe |
Cerberus | Remote administration tool | exe |
Certutil | Document format | crt, cert, pem |
CFBF | File system / Document format | cfb |
CGBI | Archive format | png |
CHM | Document format | chm |
Chainer | PE32 packer | exe |
CigiCigi | PE32 packer | exe |
Coffee Free Zip | Self Extracting format | exe |
Conda | Archive format | conda, tar.bz2 |
CPIO | Archive format | cpio |
cpBound | PE32 packer | exe |
cpBirtual | PE32 packer | exe |
cpCandy | PE32 packer | exe |
cpDalek | PE32 packer | exe |
cpDemonio | PE32 packer | exe |
cpDibs | PE32 packer | exe |
cpEllie | PE32 packer | exe |
cpFlush | PE32 packer | exe |
cpGlyph | PE32 packer | exe |
cpInfluenza | PE32 packer | exe |
cpMiniDuke | PE32 packer | exe |
cpMovey | PE32 packer | exe |
cpRebar | PE32 packer | exe |
CProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
cpSlesh | PE32 packer | exe |
cpPoison | PE32 packer | exe |
cpTibbar | PE32 packer | exe |
cpTick | PE32 packer | exe |
cpTinyGiant | PE32 packer | exe |
cpPittyTiger | PE32 packer | exe |
cpVicSpy | PE32 packer | exe |
cramfs | File system / Firmware format | cramfs |
CruzCrypter | PE32 packer | exe |
CrypToCrackPEProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
Cryptonite | PE32 packer | exe |
CrypTOX | PE32 packer | exe |
CryptX | PE32 packer | exe |
CRTF | Archive format | rtf |
CxMacro | Macro format | None |
CyberGate | Remote administration tool | exe |
DaemonCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
DalKrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
DarkComet | Remote administration tool | exe |
DarkRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
DEB | Archive format | deb, udeb |
DeeperRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
DEF | PE32 packer | exe |
depack | PE32 packer | exe |
dxPack | PE32 packer | exe |
DEX | Executable format | dex |
DexCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
DICOM | Archive format | dicom, dcm, dic |
dlInfluenza | PE32 downloader | exe |
dlThunder | PE32 downloader | exe |
dlUpatreA | PE32 downloader | exe |
dlUpatreB | PE32 downloader | exe |
dlUpatreC | PE32 downloader | exe |
dlUpatreD | PE32 downloader | exe |
DMG | Disk image format | dmg |
DNARemoteAdmin | Remote administration tool | exe |
Docker | Container | tar, tar.gz, tgz |
doSWF | Multimedia format | swf |
DreamShield | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
DRPM | Archive format | drpm |
EFI | Disk partition format | none |
EGG | Archive format | egg |
ELF | Executable format | elf, o, so |
EPPack | PE32 packer | exe |
Executable Zip Creator | Self Extracting format | exe |
ExeCrypter | PE32 packer | exe |
exeFog | PE32 packer | exe |
ExeSax | PE32 packer | exe |
ExeStealth | PE32 packer | exe |
ExeZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
EXIF | Image metadata format | None |
Explz | Self Extracting format | exe |
Ext | File system format | None |
ExtraBasicMacro | Macro format | None |
Escargot | PE32 packer | exe |
ExpressZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
EZip | PE32 packer | exe |
EZSfx | Self Extracting format | exe |
GPT | Disk partition format | none |
FAT | File system format | None |
FileArchiver | Self Extracting format | exe |
FilePackager | Self Extracting format | exe |
FilZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
FluxRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
FrameworkPOS | Point of sale malware | exe |
FreeExtractor | Self Extracting format | exe |
FSG | PE32 packer | exe |
FSZipExtractor | Self Extracting format | exe |
GEM | Archive format | gem |
GhostRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
GIF | Image format | gif |
GIXProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
Goat PE Mutilator | PE32 packer | exe |
Google Chrome (.crx) | Web application | crx |
GraphicBootingRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
GZIP | Archive format | gz |
HFSP | File system format | None |
HFSX | File system format | None |
HidePE | PE32 packer | exe |
hmimysPacker | PE32 packer | exe |
HoundStealer | Keylogger | exe |
HQX | Email format | hqx |
HTA | Document format | hta |
HTAEdit | Self Extracting format | exe |
HTML | Document format | html, htm, xhtml, xht |
HTTP | Network format | None |
ICEOWS | Self Extracting format | exe |
ID Executable Password | PE32 packer | exe |
ImSecureRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
IndetectablesRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
InnoSetup | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
Install Anywhere | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
InstallBuilder | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
InstallShield | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
InternetShortcut | Document format | url |
iOS (.ipa) | Mobile application | ipa |
iOS Firmware (.iosfw) | File system / Firmware format | iosfw |
IQY | Document format | iqy |
ISCab | Archive format | cab, hdr |
ISO | Disk image format | iso |
iStealer | Keylogger | exe |
IZArc | Self Extracting format | exe |
JAR | Archive format | jar, j |
jffs2 | File system / Document format | jffs2 |
jdpack | PE32 Packer | exe |
Kaniko | Archive format | tar |
KasperskyKLQ | Quarantine format | klq |
KatrinaPOS | Point of sale malware | exe |
JPEG | Image format | jpeg, jpg, jpe, jif |
kbysPacker | PE32 packer | exe |
KGB Archiver | Self Extracting format | exe |
KiCryptor | PE32 packer | exe |
KSASeed | PE32 packer | exe |
LameCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
LCCrypto | PE32 packer | exe |
LHA | Archive format | lha, lzh |
LIB | Archive format | lib |
LibreOffice | Document format | odt |
LNK | Document format | lnk |
LostDoor | Remote administration tool | exe |
LulzCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
LusyPOS | Point of sale malware | exe |
LVM | Disk partition format | none |
LZ4 | Archive format | lz4 |
LZH | Archive format | lzh |
LZIP | Archive format | lz |
LZMA | Archive format | lzma |
LZOP | Archive format | lzo |
LXD | Container | tar, tar.gz, tar.xz, tgz |
Mach-O | Executable format | o, dylib, bundle |
MakeZexe | Self Extracting format | exe |
MakeZIP | Self Extracting format | exe |
MAR | Archive format | mar |
MarCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
MaskPE | PE32 packer | exe |
MBR | Disk partition format | none |
Metro application (.appx) | Archive format | appx |
MEW | PE32 packer | exe |
MEW5 | PE32 packer | exe |
Microsoft NT Backup | Archive format | None |
Microsoft Quarantine | Archive format | None |
Microsoft Office | Document format | doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, xla, xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx, xlw, pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, one, msg |
Microsoft OPC | Archive format | opkg |
Microsoft Windows Icon | Image format | ico |
Microsoft Windows Cursor | Image format | cur |
MIME | Email format | mime, eml |
MinkeCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
mkfPacker | PE32 packer | exe |
MosesRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
Mozilla FireFox (.xpi) | Web application | xpi |
mPack | PE32 packer | exe |
mPress | PE32/PE32+/.net packer | exe |
MrDark | PE32 packer | exe |
MrUndetectable | PE32 packer | exe |
MSI | Installer format (Windows) | msi, msp |
MSIX | Installer format (Windows) | msix |
MuckiProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
MuZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
MZCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
Nakedpack | PE32 packer | exe |
Neolite | PE32 packer | exe |
NewZipSE | Self Extracting format | exe |
nPack | PE32 packer | exe |
NSIS | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
nSPack | PE32/PE32+/.net packer | exe |
NTFS | File system format | None |
NME | PE32 packer | exe |
NPM | Archive format | tgz |
NuGet | Archive format | nupkg |
NumPyNPY | Document format | npy |
NumPyNPZ | Archive format | npz |
NWCC | PE32 packer | exe |
OCI | Container | tar |
OLE | Archive format | ole |
OpenOffice | Document format | sxw, stw, sxc, sxd, std, sxi, sti, sxm, sxg |
Opera (.oex) | Web application | oex |
OVA | Disk image format | ovf, ova |
PackMan | PE32 packer | exe |
PackMaster | PE32 packer | exe |
PAK | Archive format | pak |
PandoraRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
PCAP (http, smtp) | Archive format | pcap |
PDF | Document format | pdf |
PE | Executable format | exe, dll, cpl, efi, ocx, scr, sys |
PE .Net | Executable format | exe, dll |
PE .Net Resources | Archive format | resources |
PeaZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
PEBundle | PE32 packer | exe |
PECompact | PE32 packer | exe |
peCloak | PE32 packer | exe |
PEDiminisher | PE32 packer | exe |
PEMangle | PE32 packer | exe |
PENinja | PE32 packer | exe |
PEPack | PE32 packer | exe |
PEPasswordProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
Perplex PE Protector | PE32 packer | exe |
PEShield | PE32 packer | exe |
PEX | PE32 packer | exe |
PEZip | PE32 packer | exe |
PoisonIvy | Remote administration tool | exe |
Pickle | Document format | pkl |
PicoZIP | Self Extracting format | exe |
PingvinCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
pklav | PE32 packer | exe |
PNG | Image format | png |
PokeCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
PowerArchiver | Self Extracting format | exe |
PrivatePersonalPacker | PE32 packer | exe |
Punisher | Remote administration tool | exe |
PuppetMasterRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
Py2ExeInstaller | Installer format | exe |
PyInstaller | Installer format | exe |
PYZ | Archive format | pyz |
QCOW | Disk image format | qcow, qcow2 |
QuickPack | PE32 packer | exe |
QuickZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
RAR | Archive format | rar |
RARSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
RCryptor | PE32 packer | exe |
Remcos | Remote administration tool | exe |
RLPack | PE32 packer | exe |
RPM | Archive format | rpm, spec |
RPX | PE32 packer (.net) | exe |
RTF | Document format | rtf |
Russian Cryptor | PE32 packer | exe |
SawCrypter | PE32 packer | exe |
sePACK | PE32 packer | exe |
SettingContent | Document format | xml |
SFX Compiler | Self Extracting format | exe |
SFX Edit | Self Extracting format | exe |
SFX Exe Creator | Self Extracting format | exe |
SFX Factory | Self Extracting format | exe |
SFX Maker | Self Extracting format | exe |
ShrinkWrap | PE32 packer | exe |
SimplePack | PE32 packer | exe |
SimplyZIPSE | Self Extracting format | exe |
SixxPack | PE32 packer (.net) | exe |
SLVC0deProtector | PE32 packer | exe |
Smart SFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
Smart SFX Pro | Self Extracting format | exe |
SmokesCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
SMTP | Network format | None |
SPEC | PE32 packer | exe |
SpiderBinder | PE32 packer | exe |
SPLayer | PE32 packer | exe |
SpyNet | Remote administration tool | exe |
sqlite3 | Database format | db, sqlite |
squashfs | File system / Document format | sfs |
Squeez | Self Extracting format | exe |
SQX | Archive format | sqx |
Stone PE Packer | PE32 packer | exe |
SuperCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
SWF | Multimedia format | swf |
SylaRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
SYLK | Document format | slk |
SymantecQBD | Quarantine format | qbd |
SymantecVBN | Quarantine format | vbn |
SZDD | Archive format | regex like .??_ (e.g. .ex_, .dl_) |
TAR | Archive format | tar |
The Best Cryptor | PE32 packer | exe |
TIFF | Archive format | tif |
TinyLoader | Remote administration tool | exe |
TinyPOS | PE32 Point of Sale malware | exe |
TUGZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
TurboSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
UDF | Disk image format | udf |
UFS2 | File system format | None |
UltimateZip | Self Extracting format | exe |
UndergroundCrypter | PE32 packer | exe |
UPX | PE32 packer | exe |
UPXLock | PE32 packer | exe |
UPXMutanter | PE32 packer | exe |
UUE | Email format | uue, uu |
URLX | Document format | urlx |
VanguardRAT | Remote administration tool | exe |
VBA | Office macro | vba |
VBE | Script format | vbe, jse |
VBS2Exe | Self Extracting format | exe |
VBSEdit | Self Extracting format | exe |
Vcrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
VDI | Disk image format | vdi |
VHD | Disk image format | vhd |
VHDX | Disk image format | vhdx |
VPacker | PE32 packer | exe |
VicSpy | Keylogger | exe |
VirogenCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
VMDK | Disk image format | vmdk |
VMWR | Archive format | none |
VSIX | Archive format | vsix |
vSkimmerPOS | Point of sale malware | exe |
WARC | Archive format | warc |
WhitellCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
WHL | Archive format | whl |
WindOfCrypt | PE32 packer | exe |
WIM | Disk image format | wim, swm |
Windows Phone (.xap) | Mobile application | xap |
WinKript | PE32 packer | exe |
WinUPack | PE32 packer | exe |
WinVice | Self Extracting format | exe |
Wise | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
WiX Toolset | Installer format (Windows) | exe |
XAR | Archive format | xar |
xComp | PE32 packer | exe |
XFS | File system format | None |
Xena | Remote administration tool | exe |
xNeat | Self Extracting format | exe |
xPack | PE32 packer | exe |
XtremeRAT | RemoteAdministration tool | exe |
xxpack | PE32 packer | exe |
XZ | Archive format | xz |
y0da Crypt | PE32 packer | exe |
y0da Protect | PE32 packer | exe |
yaffs | File system / Document format | yaffs, yaffs2 |
YENC | Email format | ync |
Z | Archive format | z |
ZIP | Archive format | zip |
Zip2SFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZipCentral | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZipFusion | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZipGenius | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZipItFast | Self Extracting format | exe |
Zippo | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZIPSFX | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZipThis | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZipX | Self Extracting format | exe |
ZOO | Archive format | zoo |
ZSTD | Archive format | zstd |