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File analysis (goodware)

This service provides sample hashes, trust factor, relationships, size, and sources for goodware samples only. If a malicious hash is queried, a 404 (Not Found) HTTP response will be returned. The service supports single or bulk queries against the ReversingLabs file reputation database.

The exact differences between the TCA-0104 - File Analysis and TCA-0105 - File Analysis (Non-Malicious) services are outlined in the table below.

hashesYesYes, except imphash
AV scanner informationYesNo
Spectra Core analysisYesNo

This API is rate limited to 100 requests per second.

General Info about Requests/Responses

  • All requests support the format query field which supports two options: xml or json.
  • Default response format is xml, except for bulk queries, where default format is the same as the post_format
  • All bulk query rules will accept POST payload of the same format (described below).
  • The number of hashes in a bulk request must not be larger than a hundred (100).
  • POST requests must set the Content-Type: application/octet-stream field in the HTTP header

Single File Analysis

This query returns a response containing all public knowledge about the given sample identified by hash. The response will contain information such as sample sources, AV scanning information etc.

GET /api/databrowser/rldata/goodware/query/{hash_type}/{hash_value}
  • hash_type accepts these options: md5, sha1, sha256
  • hash_value must be a valid hash defined by the hash_type parameter

Response format

"rl": {
"sample": {
"sha1": "string",
"crc32": "string",
"md5": "string",
"sha256": "string",
"sha384": "string",
"sha512": "string",
"pe_sha1": "string",
"pe_sha256": "string",
"ssdeep": "string",
"sample_size": 0,
"trust_factor": 0,
"relationships": {
"container_sample_sha1": [
"parent_sample_sha1": [
"sources": {
"entries": [
"record_time": "string",
"tag": "string",
"properties": [],
"domain": {
"name": "string"
  • sha1
    • SHA1 value of the requested sample. This field is mandatory and can be used as a primary key.
  • hashes
    • List of hashes computed for the requested sample, e.g. MD5, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Authenticode hashes (PE_SHA1, PE_SHA256), SSDEEP...
  • relationships
    • Parent and container sample lists.
  • sources
    • A sequence of source items indicating where the sample came from. These can be different domains, specific uploaders, etc. One sample can have multiple sources. The service returns a list of 10 oldest sources, sorted by timestamp in descending order.

Response code 404 is returned with a message "Requested data was not found" when the requested hash isn't found in the database, or is not goodware.


  • container_sample_sha1
    • List of container hashes. Container is the top-level archive/sample that was uploaded to the system and also contains the requested sample. The response will contain up to 5 container sample hashes, sorted by MD5 hash.
  • parent_sample_sha1
    • List of samples that directly contain the requested sample. The requested hash is a child to the hashes in this list. The list of children has been acquired by file extraction. The response will contain up to 5 parent sample hashes, sorted by MD5 hash.

Bulk File Analysis

This query retrieves the same data as the single query, but for multiple hashes within a single response. It is more network-efficient compared to several consecutive single queries.

POST /api/databrowser/rldata/goodware/bulk_query/{post_format}
  • post_format is a required parameter that defines the POST payload format. Supported formats are xml and json

Request POST format

The following definitions are valid for both formats:

  • hash_type value must be one of the following options: md5, sha1, sha256
  • hash_value must be a valid hash defined by hash_type
"rl": {
"query": {
"hash_type": "string",
"hashes": [

Response format

"rl": {
"entries": [
"invalid_hashes": [
"unknown_hashes": [
  • item in entries are equivalent to the rl.sample element from the single query
  • invalid_hashes: A list of ill-formatted hashes provided in request
  • unknown_hashes: A list of hashes from the request that were not found in the database or are not goodware


Format Query Field - changing the response format


Single query - changing the hash type


Bulk query - changing the POST format


Bulk query - JSON POST format

"rl": {
"query": {
"hash_type": "md5",
"hashes": [
"rl": {
"query": {
"hash_type": "sha1",
"hashes": [
"rl": {
"query": {
"hashes": [
"hash_type": "md5"