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Version: Spectra Analyze 9.2.1

Tags API

With this API, users can list existing tags and add/remove one or more tags for any sample on the Spectra Analyze appliance. The API only allows working with User Tags (custom tags created by users), and cannot be used to modify System Tags (non-editable tags generated by Spectra Core during file analysis). Learn more about tags and how they work on the Spectra Analyze appliance.

The API accepts GET, POST, and DELETE requests with a single sample hash per request. Supported hash types are SHA1, SHA256, MD5. The sample hash is a required parameter that must be provided in every request.

Retrieve User Tags for a sample

GET /api/tag/{sample_hash}/

Lists existing tags for the requested sample, if there are any. The sample hash is a required parameter that must be provided in the request. Supported hash types are SHA1, SHA256, MD5.

Only User Tags are returned in the response - if the sample has any System Tags, they will not be included in the response. If the requested sample doesn’t have any User Tags at all, the response contains an empty list.

Request Format

Request Parameters

sample_hashRequiredHash of the sample for which the user wants to list existing User Tags. The sample must be present on the appliance prior to sending a request. Supported hash types: SHA1, SHA256, MD5path, string

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken'


import requests

# Change the values of url, token, and hash_value
token = "exampletoken"
hash_value = "6229448f764c8692579e242d1479ee529632203a"
url = f"{hash_value}/"

headers = {
"Authorization": f"Token {token}"

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Response Format

Response Examples


Response Status Codes

200Successful request
403Authentication credentials were not provided. The API token must be included in every request. / Invalid API token.
404Malformed hash or missing trailing slash in the endpoint. / Sample does not exist on the appliance.

Create User Tags for a sample

POST /api/tag/{sample_hash}/

Adds one or more User Tags to the requested sample, regardless of whether the sample already has any tags. The prerequisite is that the sample exists on the appliance.


Users who wish to add tags to samples that exist in the ReversingLabs Spectra Intelligence cloud, but are not present on the appliance, can download them from the cloud using the Download API.

Alternatively, the ReversingLabs Spectra Intelligence File Download API (TCA-0201) can be used in combination with the Submissions API.

In this workflow, the Spectra Intelligence File Download API is used to fetch samples from the cloud to the local system. The users can then upload those samples to Spectra Analyze and add tags to them in the upload POST request. For more information about using the Spectra Intelligence File Download API, please contact ReversingLabs Support.

The sample hash is a required parameter that must be provided in the request. Supported hash types are SHA1, SHA256, MD5.

All POST requests to this API must contain the Content-Type: application/json header. Tags must be provided in the request body according to the following format:

{"tags": ["tag1", "tag2", ...]}

The response to a successful request is a list of tags added to the sample.

If the request contains one or more duplicate User Tags (tags that have already been added to the sample), those will be ignored. Such duplicate tags won’t be added to the sample, and won’t be listed in the response.

If the user attempts to add a tag that is identical to a System Tag already added to the sample, it will be ignored. However, it is possible to add a User Tag identical to a System Tag if the requested sample does not have that System Tag.

For example, antisandbox is a System Tag. If the requested sample has this tag, attempting to add a tag called antisandbox will not succeed. If the requested sample doesn’t have it, the antisandbox tag will be added as a User Tag, and listed in the response.

If the request contains only duplicate tags, the response will be empty. If other valid, unique tags are sent in the same request with duplicate tags, then only the unique tags will be added to the sample and listed in the response.

If any of the tags in the request is malformed, the request will fail and no tags will be added to the sample. The response will indicate which tag was malformed by the number of its element in the tags array.

Request Format

Request Parameters

sample_hashRequiredHash of the sample to which the user wants to add one or more User Tags. The sample must be present on the appliance prior to sending a request. Supported hash types: SHA1, SHA256, MD5path, string
tagsRequiredOne or more tags to add to the requested sample. A single tag must be between 2 and 40 characters long (including spaces), matching the supported pattern. Supported characters for tags are [a-z0-9][a-z0-9 /._-]. Tags are case-sensitive and distinguish spaces from underscores. In other words, Example and example are two separate tags; test_tag and test tag are separate tags, too. The following examples are valid tags: malware_1, ClassifiedByYARA, false-positive, Better.Test/Tag. The following examples illustrate invalid tags: Ž++, #hashtag, *.exe.form, array

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"tags":["new-tag", "Another_Tag"]}'


import requests

# Change the values of token and hash_value
token = "exampletoken"
hash_value = "examplehash"
# Change the hostname in the URL
url = f"{hash_value}/"

json = {"tags": ["new-tag", "Another_Tag"]}

headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {token}'}

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response =, headers=headers, json=json)

Response Format

Response Examples


Response Status Codes

200Successful request
403Authentication credentials were not provided. The API token must be included in every request. / Invalid API token.
404Malformed hash or missing trailing slash in the endpoint. / Sample does not exist on the appliance (but may exist in the Spectra Intelligence cloud).

Delete User Tags from a sample

DELETE /api/tag/{sample_hash}/

Removes one or more User Tags from the requested sample. The prerequisite is that the sample exists on the Spectra Analyze appliance.

The sample hash is a required parameter that must be provided in the request. Supported hash types are SHA1, SHA256, MD5.

All POST requests to this API must contain the Content-Type: application/json header. Tags must be provided in the request body according to the following format:

{"tags": ["tag1", "tag2", ...]}

The response to a successful request is a list of removed tags.

If any of the tags in the request is malformed, the request will fail and no tags will be removed. The response will indicate which tag was malformed by the number of its element in the tags array.

Tags that don’t exist for the sample are ignored and not included in the response. If the request contains a combination of tags that exist and tags that don’t, only the existing ones will be removed and included in the response.

Request Format

Request Parameters

sample_hashRequiredHash of the sample from which the user wants to remove one or more User Tags. The sample must be present on the appliance prior to sending a request. Supported hash types: SHA1, SHA256, MD5path, string
tagsRequiredOne or more tags to remove from the requested sample. A single tag must be between 2 and 40 characters long (including spaces), matching the supported pattern. Supported characters for tags are [a-z0-9][a-z0-9 /._-]. Tags are case-sensitive and distinguish spaces from underscores. In other words, Example and example are two separate tags; test_tag and test tag are separate tags, too. The following examples are valid tags: malware_1, ClassifiedByYARA, false-positive, Better.Test/Tag. The following examples illustrate invalid tags: Ž++, #hashtag, *.exe.form, array

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"tags":["new-tag", "Another_Tag"]}'


import requests

# Change the values of token and hash_value
token = "exampletoken"
hash_value = "examplehash"
# Change the hostname in the URL
url = f"{hash_value}/"

json = {"tags": ["example-tag-1", "Example_Tag_2"]}

headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {token}'}

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, json=json, verify=False)

Response Format

Response Examples

"Old Tag"

Response Status Codes

200Successful request
400 Bad RequestValidation error. Returned when the list of tags is empty, when one or more tags contain unsupported characters, and when the tags field is missing in the request body.
403Authentication credentials were not provided. The API token must be included in every request. / Invalid API token.
404Malformed hash or missing trailing slash in the endpoint. / Sample does not exist on the appliance (but may exist in the Spectra Intelligence cloud).