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Version: Spectra Analyze 9.1.1


Start/Stop a YARA Local Retro scan

POST /api/uploads/local-retro-hunt/

Allows users to initiate the Local Retro scan on the Spectra Analyze appliance, and stop the Local Retro scan that is in progress on the appliance.

Request Format

Request Parameters

operationrequiredstringName of the operation to perform for YARA Local Retro scan. Supported operations are starting and stopping a Local Retro scan. Accepted values: START, STOP (case-sensitive). Only one value can be submitted at a time.form-data

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you're using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken'
--form 'operation="START"'


import requests

# Change the token
token = "exampletoken"
# Change the host name in the URL
url = ""

payload = {'operation': 'START'}
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Token {token}',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Format

Response Examples

"status": {
"state": "STARTING",
"message": null,
"success": true
"status": {
"state": "STOPPED",
"message": null,
"success": true

Response Status Codes

200OKThe request has succeeded
400Bad RequestThe request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
403ForbiddenThe request requires user authentication
404Not FoundThe ruleset cannot be found
412Precondition FailedThe ruleset is not saved to Spectra Intelligence, or is in the wrong state for this operation
424Failed DependencyAn underlying call caused an error
428Precondition RequiredThe server is not connected to Spectra Intelligence, or Cloud Retro hunting is not enabled
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request
503Service UnavailableThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server

Manage YARA Cloud Retro scans

POST /api/yara/ruleset/{ruleset_name}/cloud-retro-hunt/

Allows users to start and stop a Cloud Retro scan for a specified ruleset on the Spectra Analyze appliance, as well as to clear all Cloud Retro results for the ruleset. The ruleset must be enabled and saved in the Spectra Intelligence cloud in order to successfully start a Cloud Retro scan.

Request Format

Request Parameters

operationrequiredstringName of the operation to perform for YARA Cloud Retro scan. Supported operations are starting and stopping a Cloud Retro scan, and clearing the results of a previous Cloud Retro scan. Accepted values: START, STOP, CLEAR. Only one value can be submitted at a time.form
ruleset_namerequiredstringName of the YARA ruleset that the Cloud Retro scan should be run on. The ruleset must exist on the appliance, and be enabled and saved in the Spectra Intelligence cloud. Ruleset names are case-sensitive.path

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you're using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken'
--form 'operation="START"'


import requests

# Change the token
token = "exampletoken"
# Change the host name and the name of the ruleset
url = ""

payload = {'operation': 'START'}
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Token {token}',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Format

Response Examples

Starting a Cloud Retro scan

"status": {
"state": "RUNNING",
"message": null,
"success": true

Stopping a Cloud Retro scan

"status": {
"state": "CANCELLED",
"message": null,
"success": true

Clearing all Cloud Retro results for a ruleset

"status": {
"state": "CLEARED",
"message": null,
"success": true

Response Status Codes

200OKThe request has succeeded
400Bad RequestThe request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
403ForbiddenThe request requires user authentication
404Not FoundThe ruleset cannot be found
412Precondition FailedThe ruleset is not saved to Spectra Intelligence, or is in the wrong state for this operation
424Failed DependencyAn underlying call caused an error
428Precondition RequiredThe server is not connected to Spectra Intelligence, or Cloud Retro hunting is not enabled
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request
503Service UnavailableThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server

Check YARA Retro status on the appliance

YARA Local Retro status

GET /api/uploads/local-retro-hunt/

Allows users to check the status of Local Retro on the Spectra Analyze appliance. The response indicates the current state of Local Retro, time and date when the latest Local Retro scan was started and/or stopped, and a list of previous Local Retro scans with the same details.

There are no required parameters for this endpoint.

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you're using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken'


import requests

# Change the token
token = "exampletoken"
# Change the host name in the URL
url = ""

headers = {
'Authorization': f'Token {token}',

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


Response Example

"status": {
"started": "2019-05-13T16:02:35.209613+00:00",
"state": "COMPLETED",
"stopped": "2019-05-13T16:39:34.468029+00:00",
"processed": 3197,
"samples": 3197,
"history": [
"started_username": "test",
"started": "2019-05-13T16:02:35.209613+00:00",
"stopped_username": null,
"state": "COMPLETED",
"stopped": "2019-05-13T16:39:34.468029+00:00",
"samples": 3197
"started_username": "test",
"started": "2019-05-13T15:46:05.917547+00:00",
"stopped_username": "test2",
"state": "STOPPED",
"stopped": "2019-05-13T16:02:27.349033+00:00",
"samples": 3197
"message": null,
"success": true

Response Fields

successIndicates whether the operation was successful. Returns true or false.
messageContains a success message, or reason the operation was not successful.
statusIndicates the Local Retro scan status, or returns null if Local Retro has never been run on the appliance.
historyContains detailed status entries for previous Local Retro scans on the appliance, if there have been any.
stateThe state of the Local Retro scan process. Returns one of the following values: RUNNING, COMPLETED, STOPPED, STARTING
startedDate and time when the Local Retro scan was started.
stoppedDate and time when the Local Retro scan was completed or stopped.
started_usernameUsername associated with the Spectra Analyze account that started the Local Retro scan.
stopped_usernameUsername associated with the Spectra Analyze account that stopped the Local Retro scan. Returns null if the scan completed on its own (if it has not been stopped by any user).
samplesThe total number of samples included in the Local Retro scan.
processedThe number of samples that have already been processed by the Local Retro scan.

Response Status Codes

200OKThe request has succeeded
400Bad RequestThe request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
403ForbiddenThe request requires user authentication
404Not FoundThe ruleset cannot be found
412Precondition FailedThe ruleset is not saved to Spectra Intelligence, or is in the wrong state for this operation
424Failed DependencyAn underlying call caused an error
428Precondition RequiredThe server is not connected to Spectra Intelligence, or Cloud Retro hunting is not enabled
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request
503Service UnavailableThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server

YARA Cloud Retro status

GET /api/yara/ruleset/{ruleset_name}/cloud-retro-hunt/

Allows users to check the status of Cloud Retro for the specified YARA ruleset. The response indicates the current state of Cloud Retro, time and date when the latest Cloud Retro scan was started and/or stopped, and a list of previous Cloud Retro scans with the same details.

The ruleset_name is a required parameter. The specified ruleset must be present on the appliance. Ruleset names are case-sensitive.

Request Examples


# Add --insecure before the URL if you're using a self-signed SSL certificate
curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token exampletoken'


import requests

# Change the token
token = "exampletoken"
# Change the host name and the name of the ruleset
url = ""

headers = {
'Authorization': f'Token {token}',

# Add verify=False in the request if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


Response Example

"status": {
"cloud_status": "ACTIVE",
"scale_status": "DISABLED",
"retrohunt_status": "CLEARED",
"retrohunt_start_time": "2019-05-13T16:02:35.209613+00:00",
"retrohunt_finish_time": "2019-05-13T16:39:34.468029+00:00",
"retrohunt_estimated_finish_time": null,
"retrohunt_progress": null,
"reason": null
"message": null,
"ruleset_name": testruleset,
"success": true

Response Fields

successIndicates whether the operation was successful. Returns true or false.
messageContains a success message, or reason the operation was not successful.
ruleset_nameName of the YARA ruleset for which the status information is retrieved.
cloud_statusThe status of the YARA ruleset for Spectra Intelligence operations. Can be one of the following values: ERROR, ACTIVE, DISABLED, DELETED, PENDING, INVALID, CAPPED
scale_statusThe status of the YARA ruleset for local (Spectra Detect operations). Can be one of the following values: ERROR, ACTIVE, DISABLED, DELETED, PENDING, INVALID, CAPPED
retrohunt_statusThe status of the ruleset for Cloud Retro scans. Can be one of the following values: IDLE, VALIDATING, ERROR, READY, RUNNING, COMPLETE, CANCELLED, CLEARED
retrohunt_start_timeThe starting time for running or complete Cloud Retro scans.
retrohunt_finish_timeThe finishing time for a completed Cloud Retro scan.
retrohunt_estimated_finish_timeThe estimated time for completing the Cloud Retro scans in progress.
retrohunt_progressNumber in the range of 0 to 1 indicating the completeness of the Cloud Retro scan in progress, where 1 indicates that it is fully completed.
reasonIf the ruleset is in an error state, this field returns a short explanation.

Response Status Codes

200OKThe request has succeeded
400Bad RequestThe request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
403ForbiddenThe request requires user authentication
404Not FoundThe ruleset cannot be found
412Precondition FailedThe ruleset is not saved to Spectra Intelligence, or is in the wrong state for this operation
424Failed DependencyAn underlying call caused an error
428Precondition RequiredThe server is not connected to Spectra Intelligence, or Cloud Retro hunting is not enabled
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request
503Service UnavailableThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server